Storytelling, promotion, and product development for travel professionals
Every destination has stories. Sharing these narratives can mean the difference between tourism success and a locale fated to fleeting trends and subject to market whims and downturns. A destination is only as sustainable as its ability to prosper from its unique version of reality.
Image: Aleksandar Donev
Alex Crevar’s Travel Narrative Design Workshops empower tourism professionals to identify those stories, the keys to a locale’s inherent authenticity. The workshops help participants create responsible tourism products, improve promotion quality, and encourage better media coverage. Different workshops (either in person or remote) serve different travel industry professionals: operators, media, DMOs, businesses, and government organizations.
Modules of lectures and exercises, the workshops leave participants with practical takeaways and ideas to be applied to a destination’s strategy. The daylong sessions, which can be adapted as needed, aim to better enable stakeholders to develop and project their community’s natural strengths to the world.
The workshops spotlight the following areas:
Product Development
Working with Media
“As a long-time contributor to National Geographic Travel and other leading publications, Alex can lend expertise on the business of travel writing and tourism development — from successfully pitching editors to product creation — based on his decades of experience in the industry.” —Christine Bednarz, former digital editor, National Geographic Travel
“This workshop was an excellent opportunity for 16 students and travel bloggers to learn more about travel writing. Alex managed to provide them with knowledge on the business of travel writing, as well as with practical instructions on which skills they need to write a good travel story.” -Lejla Turcilo, journalism professor at the University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Alex teaches workshops for international, national, and community projects. Please contact him at to discuss how these workshops support your destination’s sustainable tourism strategy.